We’ll help you compare quotes and benefits from a wide selection of trusted brands so you can be confident that you are making the right decision.
Insurance Comparison - Without The Monkey Business!
Look 4 Cover gives people the confidence to make serious decisions! We believe that knowledge is power; the more you know, the simpler everything becomes. Tell us what you need and your affordability, and we’ll gather quotes from the UK’s range of top banana insurers. We’ll also spell out what each policy will and won’t pay out for. Now you can make the right decisions, on your own terms.
We've helped thousands of people just like you every year for almost 10 years and counting!
We don't just help you compare price, we also help you compare the benefits of each policy so you can be assured you're fully covered!
Our service is free, simple, and fast. We get paid directly from the insurer which means your quotes are the lowest you'll find online!
We’ll help you compare quotes and benefits from a wide selection of trusted brands so you can be confident that you are making the right decision.
Our team of experts continually compare the insurance market and negotiate the lowest prices for the best coverage with each insurer.
Securing the right insurance is quick and simple. We have a team of specialists available to guide you on your journey if you aren’t sure which insurance is most suitable for you.
If you are not sure what you need or which product will meet your requirements, then we recommend talking to one of our helpful independent specialists.